Choose the best option for you and your pet. If you woukd like an initial consultation before treatments then there is an option to book this.
An hours initial meet and great. Talk through issues/ concerns and decide if you feel reiki would be beneficial to your pet. I will answer any questions you may have and make any suggestions regarding suportive strategies.
Reiki treatment for your pet in their own home. Usually lasting between 20 and 45 minutes depending on the individual animals preference.
Bulk purchase of treatments for an individual pet. Reiki treatments work best as a course of six sessions. The cumulative effect allows for deeper relaxation & healing over time. Each session builds on the progress of the previous, helping to address underlying imbalances & promoting long-term well-being. This approach is particularly effective for managing chronic conditions, easing stress, & supporting recovery, as it provides the time & space needed for natural healing processes to unfold.